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All publicity work, once started, the coverage is absolutely amazing, just the day, agents of the five countries in Southeast Asia will be the "myth" of the Mandarin version sold out, so Xiaohu surprise. Meanwhile, the Governor, Sir Murray MacLehose also find Xiaohu, the Governor met the first sentence is : Tiger, considered the issue in the UK situation? Considered, but the Hollywood aspect of being prepared. What is also in preparation, the future of film distribution in the UK Concord not so much trouble, come directly toms shoes on !1.8 million words, quack, not far from two million words ! Facing near Shaw flatter tone, Xiaohu did not like before direct nodded and said : Well, OK, rest assured, necessarily so ! Shaw 's face suddenly a lot of ugly, know so many years, it is time to say Xiaohu this seems a bit perfunctory words. Shaw saw the unhappy course Xiaohu heart, sighed and explained the moment and said: Daddy, toms should know that the current situation in terms of the big six, right ?

Select the number of positive aspects of the content of the film points up, but in the violence, involving political, orthodoxy, profound mood or can be carried out in a large 6 line ! Xiaohu said: After all the big 6 cheap toms Hong Kong film there now maintain a certain tolerance, toms think King Hu several films shot in previous years can be played in the big six, but the nike free 2 big six more complex aspects of the audit, and the annual release the relatively limited number of films, only twenty, except for Concord, Phoenix, the new, fixed share of the Great Wall of four, the other works of several film companies want to be in the big 6 release, can only rely on competition, and in this respect toms Daddy can help a bit, but the difficulty of drama too !

TV Why be difficult ? Shaw busy asked. Xiaohu bitter smile, and said: very simple, just a dozen years ago, like Hong Kong, a large TV market is still in the embryonic stage 6, it was only in Guangdong, Shanghai, Zhejiang and other coastal cities near several television market a little mature, its almost as rare toms places in general, a lot of people simply do not know why the TV thing. There is a large number of six pairs of TV control more stringent, not to say that money can buy toms TV.


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