Tuesday, June 3, 2014

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Lee routing rude, did not want to bother these people, to see the school security has gone up, and that he did not want to dispute the white man named Joe White happened at school, because the school and the community to dispute this tube is very strict. If you intend to run away, then fake ray ban sunglasses ray ban outlet nursery went high. Joe White 's tone with threats. To high -po do ? Lee routing squint. ray ban outlet Beat sister meal, brother sister bonds also not normal for you ? Joe White laughed. Lee routing feel the blood flows in musculoskeletal see, there are surging forces flooded out, Lee routing temper good, a lot of things are not going to care about the pursuit, so if Joe White is gone, he does not care about Lee routing rudely stopped himself, but threatened to harm plums people, from small to big Lee would not let any one route.

Joe White with his hands in his pocket, and went straight forward, it just some effort. Lee routing the electric car parked on the roadside. Students do go ? Security caught up. And friends to talk about something. cheap ray bans Careful, there is not a school problem, not impulsive. Security has been aware of the wrong. Security and the security of the State House at the University of the mall is not the same, of course, to say thank Lee routing, followed. Joe Lee White did not care about the route, but from time to time and roadsides to watch girls ray ban outlet smile, prompting the girls shy blush, men dressed in white is not common, good-looking people can wear the most handsome compelling, Joe white tall slender, shapely bones strong, this is the girl 's eyes standards guy, all the way to the discharge so that the route followed behind Lee touches nobody care about.

Su Muzhe,ray ban outlet, but it will lettaboo days of cloud god strong throughout, even if some of the ability to go beyond the ordinary Joe White, is stronger than Su Muzhe ? Did Joe Niannu about ? Lee routing 'd like to ask Joe Niannu, but Joe Niannu phone today still no answer. Leave University City, Joe walked into a seven-storey white small building. Lee routing follow up, walked into the small building basement, Lee did not know the route near the original college town actually there is such a place, this building unexciting seven -story basement is actually far more than the area of ​​the floor in a bright under the open basement light than even the Nationalist government at the University of indoor basketball court but also much larger.

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