Sunday, March 16, 2014 ray bans online edjp

Meanwhile,air max 90, Zhou Yu Zhou Shangxuan cloth through this year, all of Danyang County tax reduction by half next year tax breaks into two, this news was announced, and immediately caused a sensation, the people who spread the news, mutual convey joy, even there 's people go to the temple to burn incense and pray, pray for peace Zhou Yu 's net worth. Zhou Yu 's reputation greatly increased in Lujiang people, can be described as fame, reputation far exceeded its original Danyang prefect Ng King. Zhou Yu also sent into the mountains to find a WU Jing 's corpse, burial at the Purple Mountain, the proper placement of the WU Jing 's family, set aside some regular monthly food, money and goods, so WU Jing 's family lived a quiet day.In busy with internal affairs, while also in full swing arms straighten things to carry forward. After Zhou Yu and Chen Gong and his generals discussions, combined with new raised twenty thousand troops, captured fifteen thousand troops, the song belongs to the ministries conducted military expansion. Trapping camp expanded to a thousand people by the people, commanding high cis, lieutenant Dong attack. Troops in Yixian County, county guard Liu Yao Yu Zhang Hao and Zhu 's men. Jinfan army from $ 6,000 to expand to a million people, Lord Canning, lieutenant Jiang Qin, Ding Feng. Moling stationed in the north of North Lake, navy training day and night.

For cattle stationed in the fortress. In response to numerous mountain terrain Koto area, dragon army expanded from 3,000 people to a thousand people, Lord Zhou Tai. Stationed in Jing County, to prevent riots Yamakoshi people. Scout camp from 2,000 to three thousand people, Lord Zang Ba. Hurricane camp because of limitations of equipment, from 300 people to expand to four hundred people, Lord Zhao. Scout Camp and Camp Hurricane Moling stationed outside the furniture. For the cattle camp expanded to 9,000 thousand people, Lord Xu Sheng. Zhou Yu let nike air max return in triumph Lujiang, stationed in Shu County, ready to respond to attacks from Jiujiang County or Jiangxia County enemy.

nike air max 1 Moling natural stationed in the city. Lu Su battalion stationed in East Lujiang County, Panzhang ita forces temporary camps and counties do not do the expansion. The expansion of ministries are responsible for training soldiers by commanding his troops, while the lower number of officers deployed to the Qianlong Lujiang College to pursue advanced studies in order to enhance battle command capabilities and specific fighting, punch the art. To compensate for the lack of ray bans online this military buildup after the lower, Zhou Yu turn Qianlong colleges have completed their studies in the lower officers transferred Moling, ministries incorporated into the army.


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