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The eighty-seventh Infantry Regiment forefront silence, those bunkers constructed jīng heart, suffered cannon point shè, was blown upside down, light machine gun positions in ruins, most of the bunkers had collapsed, very difficult to play a role. After a few minutes, the Soviet dense, like locusts flockthe main front in the forefront of attacking troops, still Soviet officers and grassroots political commissar, nike free run there bayonet carrying rifles, shouting slogans, continue to greet the troops to keep up.

Blood in wanton darting,nike free run 2, was hit by machine-gun bullets and mortar shrapnel Soviet soldiers constantly stumble on the road charge, but under the leadership of grassroots commanders and political cadres of Soviet soldiers always maintained a firm pace, total disregard of life, behind the skirmish formation, facing an Jiajun soldiers shè a bullet forward. Torn linoleum machine gun shè thud sounded constantly, Soviet soldiers into pieces into a felled down in the hail of bullets, but still many people successfully brought into the garrison positions within fifty meters away.

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